While I have finally gone into my own pocket to repair my shower, I have not given up in my fight against State Farm Insurance. Neither, apparently, have FORMER STATE FARM AGENTS....check out THIS nightmare from Fulvio Manetti, a State Farm agent who got royally screwed by his own company:
I am a retired (early retirement because I could not take it any more!!)State Farm agent and I have seen first hand the wrong things underwriting and claim were doing to the public. When I retired, after 25 years, my retirement pay was given, without due recourse, to my ex wife and I was left to survive with my SS income.
They have millions of dollars stashed away in a retirement fund which only the few privileged have access to it.
Arbitrarily they estimate claim reserves to the disadvantage of policy holders.
The powers to be could say that mine are ''sour grapes'' but I have always served my policy holders with integrity and I have always been one of the better agents. I could write a book about the underhanded dealings of State Farm agents and management toward the public.
State farm sucks and should be investigated for their dealings with agents and policyholders.
Fulvio Manetti
Retired ''Satefarm sucks'' agent